Understanding The Background Of Path To Happiness

First of all ask yourself before continuing, What actually is Happiness? Everyone might get confused or might come up with the materialistic happiness.

Happiness is something that so many of us want every time but in reality we don't get any of it. Happiness avoids us. Most of the time we remarks that happiness can be ours if only situations were different. Did you ever feel it? We emphasis more on “if only". If only my other half was nicer to me. If only I had more money. If only I had a better job. If only I did that work properly. If only I had thought about it thoroughly. The list can go on and on. We usually waste so much of our valuable time thinking of the “if only's". 

 Many of us fall into this trap and often end up miserable. The problem is that we think happiness will come to us somehow as if it were something that could be possessed. We misunderstood that happiness is just a feeling. Actually happiness is not a feeling, it can be a way of life. Happiness can be ours on a daily basis if we only follow some basic principles. 

First, we must live the Present. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised to us. So we need to be present in the now. We should let go of the past and stop worrying about the future.


Secondly, we must control our thinking and the thoughts that passes through our mind. Happiness can be called a state of mind and the way to happiness is bringing mind into its proper state. If I resides in India and I want to be in Paris. I need to change countries. In order for me to be in Paris, I have to make some changes. For this I will decide to take a flight. The flight must be going there and I will reach at my destination. It is compulsory for me to know which plane I am on, or I would be there where I never planned. 

Think of this aeroplane as your thoughts. That's right, your plane of thought. If you don't want to stay in India  you have to get on the right plane. If you let any plane of thought into your mind then you will be at some other place and never reach the destination you want.


The question then is how do we get on the right plane? The ticket to getting on the right plane is called gratitude. Gratitude is an attitude where we should be thankful instead of thinking what our problems are. Then we will find that we too can fly away to the place that we wish to. There is a path to happiness and that path is gratitude.


     - Gautam Buddha

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