
Showing posts from May, 2021


Now-a-days, Almost all of us can't meet up with the requirement of energy need for day chores. We often gets tired in mid of the work. We simply needs a lil bit of rest to refresh ourselves again. A study finds that duration of energy drain is very low as compared to that of energy recovery. Energy boost that can keep you going all day often means sacrificing good nutrition. Few foods give you the kick that a cup of coffee, a coke or a energy candy bar can. If you are too conscious about your weight, the main challenge is finding foods that can not only give you a boost, but are good for you and your body as well. For meeting energy requirements and keeping the consciousness of your healthy body in mind, you should start making your diet really healthy. The goal in planning your daily diet is to focus on meals that are low in fat, high in fiber, contain protein and have complex carbs. This ensures a slow breakdown of sugars and regular energy throughout the day. Having a good break...

Transform your Failure into Success.

Have you ever compared your and your current surrounding conditions with that of 50 years ago. You gonna find yourself extremely lucky. 50 years ago, no one even knew about what really is Internet and other hi-fi tech gadgets. Now, because of internet, you can find information on virtually anything you want, instantly. Something which was only a dream just 10 years ago. Even with all these facilities around, we still fail to become successful in life. Why is this? After all, there is so much self help information available telling us how to be successful, but most people still fail to achieve success. And why do people still suffer from depression, when there are so many books telling them how to live a great life? The fact is, information and technology is not the problem. And no matter how much technology advances, people will always have the same problems. What Are The Reasons People Fail To Achieve Success? If you ask someone why they never succeeded in whatever they were pursuing,...


It is true and well said that the biggest blessing one can have is their grandparents. They are real path bearer or way maker of your life. They are the one who actually raised your parents so well that you being raised and loved. Not everyone is lucky to meet their grandparents and even not everyone care a bit to meet those who raised their parents. Constantly meeting and talking to your grandparents will certainly make you knowledgeable and gives you experienced point of view to see the world. Everyone should get familiar with their grandparents and give time to them because they are the part of your family tree or say they are the roots. Because of them you are alive and living your life. Think about all the hard work your grandparents put in to raising their children. What a shame to miss out on the blessing that grandparents can be in your life. You always neglects them instead of thinking about their knowledge and experience of life. Their opinions can change your life because th...

HOBBY : Good for You or Harms You?

Ask a room full of people what hobby they have and you will get as many answers as there are people. Others will confess that they don’t have a hobby. They probably do; but just don’t label it as such. By definition, a hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside one’s regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure. Whether stamp collecting, chat rooms, trains, soft ball, scrap booking, golf, reading, painting, tap dancing, yard work, crafts, auto mechanics, music, hunting down garage sales, sewing, fishing, cooking, boating, furniture refinishing, javelin tossing or a plethora of other activities or interests the key element is balance. You must find balance between your family life and your extracurricular activities. Too much of a good thing turns bad. Everyone should have an outlet and a special interest that they enjoy doing for themselves. Self indulgence, to a point, is quite healthy. Escaping from day to day grinds to take some time to devote to your special hobby...

Answer the Phone Please !!!

Ringtones have become one of the most important modern necessities of life. It is something which we value so much but curse it secretly. No matter where you are or what you are doing, whether you are free or very busy, a cell phone is waiting to ring with the tune which awe are sick of hearing. Have they coined the term ‘ringtone stress' yet? They really should have. In times that perhaps seem more idealistic to us now, telephones were limited to offices and homes, personal or corporate spaces. But these days, the mobility of cell phones means that they invade almost every aspect of our lives, it almost end the peace of one's life and they are no respecter of our boundaries. They ring no matter where we are, whether it’s on the bus or in the bathroom, demanding to be answered. But for many people, it’s not the constant availability that upsets. Rather, it’s the actual ringtone that grates upon the nerves. This is most particularly true when the ringtone belongs to someone else...

Highly Sensitive People

One in every twenty individuals is viewed as a Highly Sensitive People (HSP). This implies that possibly you, at the end of the day, might be delicate or somebody you know is. 42% of the population isn't profoundly delicate, implying that most things don't trouble them the manner in which they will a HSP. Every other person falls some place in the middle, with the odd few being totally dispassionate about anything. (Coincidentally – 20% of the whole set of all animals is profoundly delicate also). Who actually are HSP's ? We're the thinkers who always gives a second thought before doing anything. Every society need highly sensitive people like us. We are also the assets of nation like a soldier. We always give a second thought in times of need, when tough decision needs to be taken. We're the ones to correct the silly mistakes of bold, rash and impulsive and may have not thought things through to the consequences of their actions, kind of people. People like us are ...

What is the secret of SUCCESS????

You really looking for a secret or a magic for success. You can find it and even get it but as you think it can't be in well guarded, password-protected, high security private vault. You can find it inside you. Yes, I am not joking. It's already inside in the form of strong vision, determination, perseverance and courage. You just have to trigger those to enjoy the magic of success. Before going towards the magic, let's know what really success is. Most people consider success as having a great career, wealth, and respect from peers. But, don’t overlook goals that will support a happier life. Prioritizing relationships, physical health, safety, contributing to others, and creative expression have been shown to improve feelings of happiness. However, don’t confuse the feeling of happiness with success. You could be quite happy eating your favourite food while watching your favourite show. That doesn't make you successful. It was very well described by Eleanor Roosevelt t...

Anger Management, you good at it??

Anger is a common emotion which are experienced alike. We all get angry, its a normal emotion. The outcome of anger differs in every individual. It can be classified as mild and intense irritation. Depending on the individual, the circumstance and their emotions, anger may cause a person to become enraged or even furious. People who become angry behave in different ways. Some lash out or become extremely defensive. Other people especially like me tend to keep their anger to themselves, bottling up their negative emotions and get hurt. While some people become reckless and even abusive. Anger can be a terribly harmful emotion if it isn’t controlled. Controlling anger is considered as Anger Management. People learn steps to stay calm in anger management process. They may then handle tense situations in a constructive and positive way. Its purpose is to help a person decrease anger. It reduces the physical and emotional arousal. The first step of anger management is to admit their is a pr...

Change is Obligatory!!

Without change, either it is person or thing, will stay the same and ultimately stagnate and die. Most people including you and me as well are afraid of change because it forces us out of our comfort zones. Have you ever had a problem with a burned light? Thanks to the effort of Thomas Edison we no longer need to invent a light bulb. We just go to the store or our cupboard and pull one out and screw it in.  I think you are aware that Thomas Edison failed so many times to invent a light bulb. How come he succeed then? It's because every time he failed, he changed his perspective and never fall off. He kept trying with a change and there you are sitting in the environment of a light bulb. It is well said by Marshall Mcluan that “ a light bulb creates an environment by its mere presence." In order for our life to work properly we need to make some changes to the things we are doing. To improve is to change; To be perfect is to change often. When we change we adapt and move forwar...


Acne is a disease which commonly affects the skin conditions of people aged 12-24. Its causes are very hard to determine. Most common cause can be over secretion of sebaceous gland triggers acne outbreak. Acne can strike at any skin type. An oily skin type is more prone to acne. Dry skin on the other hand, may not be as prone but serious outbreaks may occur during winter. Normal skin is equally prone to acne but the level of severity may not be as high. It mainly affects the skin of the face, back, neck, chest and arms and the condition can vary. The processes that cause acne are exactly the same in people with black or brown skin but the impact is different by the skin pigmentation. Acne is very common and affects about 80 in 100 people aged 11-30 at some time. Acne can also gets worse and there are many reasons for it. Some of them are as follows : 1. Itching and Squeezing can cause severe burns and permanent scars. 2. Stress is also the very important factor for the worsening condit...

Is anything good about Covid-19????

“Can we delete 2020-2021, these version has virus in it." I am pretty aware that you may have encountered this meme on social media. With world getting into lockdown and lives pulled into a standstill, Coronavirus, or more sophisticatedly titled as COVID-19, has made communities stay away from each other for survival.  As a community, we are fighting this deadly pandemic, so it's common to have negative side effects. Like it has been said ‘Every Cloud has silver linings'. This deadly pandemic also has some.  First of all the most important one which I would love to share : 1. Bonding and Connection of Relationships.  Before witnessing this pandemic, we all are well aware of the situation of working people and families. We all have been busy living the life, it was all about running every time for urgent meetings, work pressure. May be you were lucky to have family vacation but because of that you must have missed those files on your table which needs to be completed but w...


Positive Thinking is the key of a successful life. Optimistic approach is the practice of finding good in any situation. It will make your life more healthy and meaningful. Surveys have proved that optimistic people are more healthy; physically as well as mentally than the pessimistic ones. Positive thinking doesn't mean ignoring the bad in anything rather correcting it with their positivity.  Negative Persons can no doubt find any error but they fail to come up with a solution. They just criticize everything with their pessimists view. On the other hand, Positive ones are one step ahead. They tend to find the error as well as come up with the solutions rather than just criticizing it. Seeing the world with positivity will certainly be beneficial for you as well as your surroundings. Many psychologist have focused on the benefits of being positive. They found positive approach helps in stress management and plays very important role in your health and happiness. Why is it so? It...


Our brain is very powerful and most important organ of our body. It can cure one's physical health and even worse it. It all depends on which path it's destined to. Our body performs according to our brain directions. Brain is the director of our body. Overthinking is a habit that can harm your body and it also makes your brain very chaotic. Thinking about everything more than normal is overthinking like I could have done differently, second guessing every decision I made, and think about all the worst scenarios of my life is really exhausting. This habit is very hard to break. Many of us are addicted to overthinking. Over thinkers believes they could just figure everything out and control the outcomes of things. We, the over thinkers, want to control the thoughts of people about how they feel, think and treat us. So for this we have to think over and over to discover the right things to say. This is called ‘Ruminating' . The obsessively thinking habit about something over ...